name : allison argent
gender : cis female
pronouns : she/her
orientation : bisexual
main age range : 23 - 28
date of birth : january 31st
sign : aquarius
occupation : hunting / firearm sales
skills: various weapon wielding abilities, hand-to-hand combat, gymnastics, speaking fluent french
weapons of choice: bows/crossbows, chinese ring daggers, P320s
outstanding experiences: twice resurrected from the dead
aftermath: hallucinations, black-outs, tremors when under tremendous stress, hearing voices
code: protect those who cannot protect themselves
MBI : ENFJ - thoughtful and idealistic, these personality types strive to have a positive impact on other people and the world around them. they rarely shy away from an opportunity to do the right thing, even when doing so is far from easy. they tend to be vocal about their values, including authenticity and altruism. [...] people with this personality type are devoted altruists, ready to face slings and arrows in order to stand up for the people and ideas that they believe in. this strength of conviction bolsters protagonists’ innate leadership skills, particularly their ability to guide people to work together in service of the greater good.

she was certain she wasn't going to be the girl who cheats death twice - she had fought the good fight. the oni had fatally wounded her. she had taken her last breath in her first love's arms & that was supposed to be the end of it. the saddest thing is, she was ready. but death fate had a different plan. she found herself in a blinding white room, facing a painfully frustrated reaper. not yet, kid. you still have a lot to do. we'll meet again, last words she heard before the afterlife quite literally spat her back into her body.after this, her friends & father had worries she was too shaken up to soothe for a long time. the tremor in her hands & the hallucinations had come back & before she knew it, she had become a liability in the field. suddenly, college seemed like a good idea. though she knew it would only be a distraction, she went for journalism; went to classes, went to parties, drank cheap bear & ate ramen for four years, all the while training & striving to heal her mind & tremor, itching to come back to hunting full-time, rather than only helping her friends & family with research on the next big bad from afar.during her studies, she befriended cassie robinson; a girl with a true passion for journalism. it was a painful reminder that while her friend had found her purpose, she had strayed from her own. by graduation, cassie had met dean winchester & it wasn't long until the two of them were introduced, as well. a few days in, it was like she had woken up from a coma. she had never believed in signs until she overheard a phone call between dean & his father. hunting terms. a job to finish. she was so relieved at the proximity of something familiar that she didn't bother to hide. he tried to feed her lies. she told him who she was. it was like swapping war stories. & soon enough, something clicked. she couldn't waste another minute.ditching graduation, she made a decision to join the firearm business at her father's side, managing the workload back in san francisco. putting beacon hills in the rearview mirror, she slowly let herself fall back into old habits. her only calling. her only purpose.


this is a multiverse / multiship blog. aspects of each verse can be tweaked so as to fit a certain dynamic, provided we plot beforehand. crossovers are more than welcome!( v; tell the wolves i'm home ) - main verse, predominantly supernatural-based, focuses on allison's life after college, completely immersed in the family business, while also keeping close ties with cassie, the wichesters & a whole web of hunters all over the country. she is on the road most of the time & primarily resides in san francisco. all interactions with/about the supernatural will be included here, regardless of fandom, unless plotted otherwise.note: different media portray werewolves & other creatures in various ways. of course, allison's knowledge about them can be modified to fit a thread, the verse is flexible.( v; you were only seventeen ) - teen wolf verse, follows canon events throughout s1-s3( v; revenant ) - college verse, allison is studying journalism with a focus on media studies, recovering from the aftermath of her resurrection, resuming her training on the side & helping her dad with research for jobs from a distance